Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Love Poetry
Love Poems

You touch me and hug me
So deep
And I feel that the world
Is no longer existent
It is quintessentially changed
It is composed only of us
Me and you
And our love
Can you be the one for me?
Can you be the love of my life?
I feel you in my whole molecular structure
And we can create a sacred space, a new Sacred Eden
I'm yours
And nothing else matters
And we become entwined as never
Especially when
The life explodes
In both of us
Enlightening our souls
And sanctifying our bodies,
These temples belonging to our Lord
You can use your illusion
And enter my dream
Or it can be
Your own dream illusion
If you are not worried
That it will disappear
Like a bubble
Without leaving
Some traces of reality
But don't forget that
The ideal perfect love
Is more fragile
Than the illusion itself
Our love is mixed with algae...
It is tasted with salt.
It is the first fruit of a great struggle for our freedom...
Our love,
sometimes like a spring breeze....
sometimes like a hurricane....
We can see the green waves crashing
And cooling the sand....
Between this old hot sand and the new salty waves
We can feel our perfect love,
We can see its ripples
And its shifting designs, left behind by the tide
And sculpted by our steps......
We can feel our angel,
That angel with injured wings,
We can hear him, still screaming,
We can see him in a sphere of air,
So well hidden.
Or maybe we are enclosed
In our sphere of reality,
Seemingly a dodecahedral geodesic sphere....
As though being hidden in psychological twilight.....
We can hear the sound
That sound just like a screaming echo....
Thinking that good and bad
Are so relative
While being incapable to keep
The moral utterances
For the corresponding relational
The cognitive statements
Or holding that moral judgments
Not for expressing beliefs
Accepting that our deep truths
Are universal
Or accepting everything
And denying the power of reason
Or seeking the good by using
Our power of reason,
Using our unfolding wisdom
And insightful enchantment
Or living in life
As both joy and despair
Being in metaphorical meaning
Apart from ego and absolutes.
The piano holds in his core
The Beethoven's 'Appassionata'
The piano keys are virgin teeth
Ripping the melody
Into sounds
Allegro Assai
Andante con moto - attacca
Allegro, ma non troppo - Presto
We eat those sounds
for making love continuously,
Yes, my love,
seemingly continuously
In the river of life
Flowing in cascades
Our feelings are sometimes orchids
Some other time they are only
Possession and control
Of something
Which epitomizes
The conflict
Between both the beauty and danger....
I need to say ''I love you''
And I do not need to change the meaning. of these words.
Marieta Maglas
Article Source:
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